Simon Fletcher Fine Art is our new venture.
We are now able to offer a selection of colour prints of my work. Digital colour prints are now replacing many of the older printing techniques.
Vivid colours reproduce the feel of my watercolours and pastels, Inks are archive quality and lightfast, the images are printed on fine coated papers, either 135gm/m² or 170gm/m² silk finish.
Wherever you live in the world we can send prints to your door either rolled for you to frame or offer as a gift, or framed and ready to go on your walls.
Our prints are competitively priced and signed by Simon on the back. They are printed on demand and this service is unique to Simon Fletcher Fine Art.
PRINT SIZES We use standard International sizes but we can also print to custom sizes
A1 594x841mm 140€
A2 420x594 mm 125€
A3 297x420 95€
(A1 23"x33" A2 16"x23" A3 12"x16" approximately)
Considéré comme l'un des plus grands peintres aquarellistes au monde
Simon Fletcher a exposé son travail dans le monde entier.
Ses œuvres font partie de collections publiques et privées
Le service d'impression.
Bon nombre des plus belles peintures de Simon sont désormais disponibles sous forme de tirages.
Ses couleurs vibrantes sont aussi connues que ses talents de dessinateur.
Produit en éditions ouvertes, chaque tirage est signé par Simon
En utilisant des papiers fins et des encres de qualité archive, les impressions sont disponibles sur les formats International :-
A3 297x420, 95€
A2 420x594 125€
A1 594x841 140€
Les prix sont TTC . Port en sus
Please note that prices are for prints only and do not include courier prices
If you wish to order any of the prints illustrated below please contact Simon on

‘L’Aquarelle, l’art de la transparence’ published by Fleurus, Paris, 1995′, edition of 8000, pp165 with 150 colour reproductions. Out of print
‘Das Pastel, malen mit reiner farben’ , published by Callwey Verlag, München, 1997 edition of 6000, pp 130 with 150 colour illustrations. Available on request
‘The Way of the Moving Brush’ published by Hitachi UK, Autumn 2000. Edition of 2000, pp50 with 40 colour illustrations. Available 18€
‘Painting the light on the land’ published by Art Profil, Mannheim, Autumn 2001. Edition of 2000, pp50 with 40 colour reproductions. Out of print.
‘Landscape & Vines of the Languedoc’ published in May 2005 by Domens, Pezenas with text by Rupert Wright Edition of 3500, pp120 with 80 illustrations in colour and black & white by the artist. Available, 30€
‘Faszination Aquarelle’, landscape watercolours by S Fletcher, published by Englisch Verlag, Wiesbaden 2007 in an edition of 3500 pp112 with 40 colour reproductions and text by the painter. Available, 40€
Images of India and Japan, watercolours of S Fletcher, published autumn 2008 by Englisch Verlag, Wiesbaden in an edition of 3500 pp112 with 40 colour reproductions and a text by S Fletcher. Available, 40€
The pastels of Simon Fletcher, published autumn 2009 by Englisch Verlag, Wiesbaden in an edition of 3500 pp112 with 40 colour reproductions and a text by S Fletcher. Available, 40€
The painted Garden. Drawings and paintings of gardens and garden designs. Published by Christophorus/Englisch Verlag Freiburg, Germany autumn 2011. Edition of 3500 pp112 with 40 colour reproductions and text by Simon Fletcher. Available, 40€
A studio Handbook for Painters. Techniques and materials for painters. Published by Bloomsbury, A & C Black, London, 2012. Edition of 3000 120pp with 60 reproductions in colour and black & white. Available, 20€
The Book of Pastel Painting. Pastel Praxis.Techniques of drawing and painting with pastel. Published by Michael Fischer Verlag, Munich 2014. Edition of 3000, pp160 with over 100 illustrations in colour and text by Simon Fletcher, available.
Please contact me to order books. Prices include post within Europe. All original texts are available in English on request.
Selected Critical writings
Some of the following are available in full in the BIOGRAPHY section of this site
Sir John Tusa, Director, The Barbican Modern Art Center, London
Forword to book’ Painting the light on the land’ Published by Art Profil, November 2001 Mannheim
FR3 French National television
A biography of the painter Simon Fletcher. 15 minute interview . March 2001
The Economist
Mired in the past? Modern water colourists, Salzman, Vogel and Fletcher
London December 2001
Prof’ Achille Andreucci
Catlogue introduction, “From the coast to the hills” paintings of Italy. Exhibition at Palazzo Chigi Commune di SS Quirico. Sponsored exhibition 2003
Jante janssen
The legendary water colour voyage of Fletcher and Vogel
Art Prtofil Magazine, Germany Nov 2003
International Artist Magazine.
“Colour, the final frontier” Profile of the artist , 2004
Oman Observer
Article by Dr P Groves, Simon Fletcher at the British Embassy 2004
The Artist Magazine
Simon Fletcher by Julian Halsby 2005
Catherine Milner, art critic and journalist, formerly for the Sunday Telegraph The paintings of Simon Fletcher 2013
To order any of the above available books please send an email to with the name of the book, how many you wish to order and the address to which the books are to be sent.
After billing payment is by EURO transfer to:
Mr S Fletcher, Société Marseillaise de Credit, rue St Alexandre, 34600 Bedarieux, France.
30077 - 04813 - 11114700300 - 75. FR76 3007 7048 1311 1147 0030 75 NORDFRPP
IBAN DE96 1001 1001 2625 6313
Please quote all the above numbers to your bank for transfer. NB transfer in Euros is free in the Eurozone but you can also pay in sterling if preferred - details on request.