2018 events and exhibitions.

Messums Wiltshire, December 2017 A Wessex Scene. A mixed exhibition of paintings from the West Country of England curated for Messums by Catherine Milner. Artists exhibiting include John Piper, David Inshaw, Norman Ackroyd, John Craxton.


  • A permanent exhibition space where you can see books and paintings by appointment
  • Aquarelles, pastels, dessins et estampes - watercolours, pastels, drawings and prints       Atelier Simon Fletcher, 34610 St Gervais sur Mare, France 0033 (0)623921960

For illustrations and reproductions see Bridgeman Studio London.

Galerie Hyna, Tegernsee have a small selection of recent work

Mural at Camplazens, Narbonne. Created in 2012 the mural is 50m² on four walls

www.theartgallery17.com            e-mail  movingbrush@gmail.com

Below is the catalogue of the retrospective exhibition of my work from Ravello in southern Italy.
I worked there extensively during the 1990's as the guest of the Contemporary Art Society, painting, drawing and producing ceramics. A few of these well produced catolgues with many colour illustrations and a foreword by Massimo Bignardi are available to buy. Please contact me for more details at movingbrush@gmail.com


The Mural at Château Camplazens, Armissan, La Clape. Four panels totalling 50m²

50m² mural at Château Camplazens, Armisson, La Clape



visites sur RDV, peintures recentes, commandes, ventes des livres