My work is for sale at TheArtGallery17, 34610 St Gervais sur Mare, France, by appointment +33 623921960
Watercolours Pastels Ceramics Portraits Oils
Aquarelles , pastels, ceramiques, portraits
Please scroll down to view the work. Click on an image to enlarge it. Faire defiler les images, cliquez pour agrandir.
Some of these works are for sale. Please contact me at Oeuvres en vente, The Art Gallery 17, St Gervais sur Mare, 34610

Bridgeman Art Library, London
The paintings below are some recent works from Morocco.
Watercolours of Oman, Dubai & Abu Dhabi
Aquarelles de Moyen Orient
European watercolours
Aquarelles de l'Europe
Aquarelles du Maroc
Indian watercolours
Aquarelles d'Inde
Japanese watercolours
Aquarelles du Japon
Watercolour still life
Aquarelles de nature morte
